News from MAMA AI: our voices in radio broadcast, ppt2Video: easy path to video with professional voiceover; mSearch: improving IT Helpdesk.
Dear clients, partners, and fans of new AI technologies!
We're delighted to circulate this first issue of our MAMA AI newsletter. This is our way of sharing the latest updates on our AI products and platforms, straight from the source.
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Thank you for your unrelenting interest in our work, and we look forward to keep sharing our progress with you.
Vážený kliente, partnere či fanoušku nových AI technologií!
S potěšením rozesíláme první číslo našeho MAMA AI zpravodaje. Tímto způsobem - přímo od zdroje - se s vámi dělíme o nejnovější informace o našich produktech a platformách AI.
Chápeme, že vaše e-mailová schránka je osobní prostor, a chceme to respektovat. Pokud se kdykoli rozhodnete, že si již nepřejete dostávat tyto aktualizace, klikněte na odkaz "Unsubscribe" na konci našeho e-mailu.
Děkujeme vám za váš neutuchající zájem o naši práci a těšíme se, že se s vámi budeme i nadále dělit o naše pokroky.
Hacsiko's voice was modeled after the real Bára Hacsi aka Babu, a well-known host from the Morning Club and Trends. Our technology allowed us to create a voice model that can read any text, mimicking Bára's unique style and tone. We can do this in many other languages.
Introducing Hacsiko!
The AI Voice We Created for Radio Expres FM!
We're thrilled to announce a significant milestone in the application of our AI technology. Radio Expres FM, private station owned by - leading internet portal in the Czech Republic - has become the first to incorporate an AI-generated voice into their live broadcasting. This voice, named Hacsiko, was created by our team using our cutting-edge MAMA AI mVoice technology.
We are thrilled to announce the public release of PPT2Video, a game-changing tool that transforms PowerPoint slides into engaging commented videos. No more static presentations! With PPT2Video, you can bring your slides to life with dynamic visuals and voiceover explanations that keep your audience engaged. What makes PPT2Video stand out is its simple conversion process, custom voiceover options, and time-saving features.
Be among the first to try PPT2Video and experience the convenience of transforming your presentations into captivating videos.Thank you for being a part of the PPT2Video launch!
Are you struggling with a high volume of IT helpdesk requests? Are manual processes, inadequate knowledge management, and inconsistencies in ticket formats causing delays and inefficiencies? We have the solution for you - mSearch, our AI-powered semantic search tool. Did you know that up to 87% of new tickets have their solutions already contained in old tickets? With mSearch, you can tap into your data like never before. Our AI matches your new tickets with old resolved ones, helping you find the previous solutions quickly and accurately.
Moreover, mSearch can be a powerful tool for problem managers. By monitoring the volume of tickets in specific areas, they can address the root cause of issues in a timely manner. With a return on investment in just 2-4 months, mSearch is a game-changer for any IT helpdesk. Start revolutionizing your IT helpdesk operations today!